SEO Pricing

Citytech Software Organic SEO Price table



$ 349/month


$ 599/month

Our most valuable package!


$ 899/month

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Number of Keywords 5 Keywords 10 Keywords 20 Keywords
Technical Website SEO Analysis & Opportunity Report Yes Yes Yes
Competitors' rankings, Links And Campaigns Analysis No No Yes
Dedicated digital marketing expert No No Yes
Client Support Call, IM Call, IM Dedicated Consultation
Keyword ResearchCitytech will do Keyword research for Long tail keywords, Focus keyphrase, Search intent. Yes Yes Yes
Google Penalty Check A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website's search rankings based on updates to Google's search algorithms or manual review. The penalty can be a by-product of an algorithm update or an intentional penalization for various black-hat SEO techniques. Yes Yes Yes
Canonicalization Canonicalization Test is a test for your potential issues with canonicalization problems. The canonicalization way describes how a site can use similar URLs for the same page. Yes Yes Yes
Header Tags Optimization h1 tag in HTML, will usually be the title of a post, or other emphasized text on the page. It will usually be the largest text that stands out. Yes Yes Yes
Internal link structuring & optimization Anchor text use for internal links. Anchor text refers to the specific verbiage used in a text-based link to another page. The anchor text used as the hyperlink helps the search engines to understand the relevance to the target Yes Yes Yes
Pages H tags optimization Other H tags that is H2 to H6 tag optimization Yes Yes Yes
Image & Hyperlink Optimization Image alt tag, image relevance, Image size, file name, Title tag and image linking Yes Yes Yes
Robots.txt Creation/Analysis The robots exclusion standard, also known as the robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt, is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. Yes Yes Yes
HTML & XML SitemapHTML sitemaps are primarily designed to help guide shoppers. XML sitemaps are used solely to ensure that search engine crawlers can index the URLs listed on a site. Yes Yes Yes
Google & Bing Webmaster Tools Webmaster tools are meant to narrow the gap between webmasters and search engines and it is the only real channel of communication between you and the search engine giants. Yes Yes Yes
Google Analytics Implementation, Linking with SearchConsole and Reporting Yes Yes Yes
Blog Yes Yes Yes
Informational Article Writing & Submission 0 2 5
Press Release Writing & Submission 1 2 3
Guest blog posting posting in another person's blogin order to build relationships, exposure, authority, and links 1 2 3
Press release social book marking 3 8 12
Social book marking Bookmarking sites have a positive impact on the ranking of the bookmarked sites. They eventually improve the PageRank and SERPs of the sites. 15 20 35
Facebook, Twitter positing Yes Yes Yes
For Ecommerce sites
Shopping cart funnel analysis and recommendations Yes
Customer review strategy Yes
Product Markup Schema, if needed Yes
Monthly Ranking report Yes Yes Yes
Google Analytics reporting Yes Yes Yes
Activity report Yes Yes Yes
One time fees for first month The first month Citytech will do all the set up of your site, fix all the SEO related errors, implementation of tags, sitemap, linking up social accounts $ 199 $ 399 $ 499
Monthly fees Payment needs to complete in advance, strating of every SEO billing cycle $ 349 $ 599 $ 899

Terms and condition

  • All the plan’s payment need to pay in advance
  • One time set up fees + monthly fees need to pay in time of contract
  • There after only monthly fees will be applicable
  • Email us for more information